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Where To Buy Kratom Legally In The USA?

If you’re searching for a place to buy kratom legally in the United States, it is understandable that it gets confusing. However, please do your research first, as there is continuing work to keep it legal, make it a controlled substance, or ban it.

Is kratom legal or not?

Kratom fans and enthusiasts continue to raise awareness about kratom and its legality. Many people have heard about kratom, researched kratom, and want to try a kratom strain; however, they’re left wondering if kratom is legal or not.


In the United States, kratom is legal in most states and regions. However, very few states have laws, restrictions, or bans, and a few states have made it illegal to sell or possess kratom. If you’re in one of the few areas where kratom is unlawful, we wish we could help you experience kratom but as long as it is illegal, we cannot help you.


Some states have proposed bills and laws to ban kratom. However, many of them are failing thanks to advocacy groups and the diligence and persistence of the American Kratom Association (AKA). The entire kratom community needs to continue raising awareness about kratom, fighting for keeping kratom legal, and preventing it from being included as a controlled substance.


As of March 1, 2022, here are the locations we’ve discovered have banned or made kratom illegal in their states, counties, or cities.

Illegal or Banned

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • San Diego, California
  • Denver, Colorado, prohibits the sale of kratom for human consumption.
  • Parker Town, Colorado, prohibits all kratom sales.
  • Monument Town, Colorado, prohibits all kratom sales.
  • Sarasota COUNTY has a ban on all kratom.
  • Jerseyville, Illinois – ban
  • Indiana
  • Mississippi – illegal in numerous counties and cities throughout Mississippi; there are efforts to ban kratom in the entire state.
  • Franklin, New Hampshire – illegal
  • Rhode Island – kratom is banned
  • Vermont – kratom is banned
  • Wisconsin

Traveling with kratom

If you are traveling with kratom, you will need to review laws before traveling throughout the United States. There’s no active legislation that targets kratom on a federal level. Everything targeting kratom is currently on a state or local level. This does not mean that a nationwide ban could never happen. Currently, kratom is legal in the federal capital of Washington DC.

Keep kratom legal

The American Kratom Protectors is a grassroots national organization fighting state bans and sharing accurate kratom information. In addition, they work to push the passage of state and federal Kratom Consumer Protection Acts.


The AKA GMP Standards Program establishes higher standards of manufacturing methods for kratom processors. In addition, AKA GMP qualified participants complete an annual independent third party audit, ensuring their compliance with higher standards.


We continue to raise awareness and work toward keeping kratom legal. A kratom consumer needs to know from whom they purchase their kratom products. It is a passionate kratom business owner that sets high standards and provides a premium product or a vendor more concerned about profit? We encourage kratom fans to make a conscious choice and support those contributing to keeping kratom legal.

Buy kratom in the USA

PurKratom.com is the best resource to buy 100% organic, premium kratom in various strains and forms. Shop Kratom with confidence and get a GMP-certified product that is third-party tested.

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