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Introducing Kratom Extract Shots

It is sometimes hard to find the best kratom dosage consistently. This is because most kratom users are used to consuming kratom powder. The kratom powder is easy to consume; we simply take it with water, juice, milk, etc. However, when it comes to kratom extract shots, things change for the better. So, if you are curious about a Kratom Extract Shot, this article will help you understand more about this kratom product.

What is Kratom Extract Shot?

Kratom extract shots are a concentrated form of the kratom plant’s alkaloids, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine. This kratom product is made by extracting kratom’s active ingredients with organic oil. The end kratom product is an oil-based substance that is highly potent, with the effects lasting for several hours. Kratom extract shots are a more condensed version of traditional kratom powders, which means they contain a higher concentration of alkaloids.

What is the difference between Kratom Extract Shot and Kratom powder?

Kratom extract is different from kratom powder regarding the consistency and time of action. Kratom powder is a finely ground powder that is used to make kratom tea, extract shots, etc. In order to make the powder, kratom leaves are crushed and dried. As a result, the ground powder is a lot weaker than the original kratom leaves.

On the other hand, kratom extract is a concentrated form of kratom. Extract shot is made by extracting kratom’s active ingredients with organic oil. The end kratom product is an oil-based substance that is highly potent, with the effects lasting for several hours.

Kratom extract is a convenient product that can be easily carried around. In addition, it is incredibly potent, so you don’t have to use a lot of the kratom product to get the desired results.

Is there a limit on how many kratom shots I can take per day?

There is no limit on how many kratom shots you can take. However, it is advisable to take it in moderation. As a general rule, you are advised to take kratom in moderation. While there are no limits on how much kratom you can take, we don’t recommend excessive use of kratom shots. This is because it is very potent and will have an effect on your body.

How Do I Consume Kratom Extract Shot?

You can consume the kratom product in the following ways-

Bake it into brownies or cakes: You can bake the kratom extract into cakes or brownies. In order to do so, simply add two grams of kratom powder to half a cup of oil. Mix well and gradually add more oil until you get a thick paste-like consistency. After this, add this paste to your cake/ brownie batter and bake as you would usually bake a cake or a batch of brownies. Finally, you can consume the kratom product on its own or mix it with your favorite drink.

Add it to your favorite food: You can add kratom shots to your favorite food and drinks. There are no limits to the foods you can add the kratom product to. However, you are advised not to add it to foods high in sugar or salt. This is because kratom shots give you a lasting euphoric effect. You may start enjoying the euphoria, but it can become too icky a feeling when combined with these food items. On the other hand, you can try adding it to your favorite fruit juice, milk, or water to consume.

Drink it straight: You can consume kratom shots straight. You may also mix it with warm milk or drink it cold with your favorite juice or soda. You can also mix it with your favorite food or drink to make your kratom experience more enjoyable.

Note: Avoid consuming kratom shots with alcohol or any other beverages that contain a lot of sugar or salt.


Kratom extract shots are potent and convenient. You can carry kratom shots with you anywhere you go. Kratom shots are highly potent, so you don’t have to use a lot of the kratom product to get the desired results. In this article, we discussed what is a kratom extract shot and how to consume it. It is important to take the kratom shots in moderation so that you don’t end up consuming too much of them.

We are experts in manufacturing premium Kratom extract shots, and we make sure to offer our customers the best!

Our proprietary extraction process guarantees you will get the highest purity kratom available when you buy our Kratom Extract Shots online. We use only the highest quality organic Kratom leaves to make our kratom products which we guarantee will be 100% free of any impurities or additives. Our customers love our kratom products because it is a quick and convenient way to consume and enjoy the effects of this amazing kratom plant. There is no need for a cup of tea or coffee to mask the bitter taste of kratom; our kratom shot product is ready for consumption straight out of the bottle!

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