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How Kratom Can Help You Stay Feeling Energized

Kratom has been gaining a bit of a buzz lately. So, what is kratom energy, and what does it really do? Here is everything you need to know: 

What Is Kratom? 

What Is Kratom?

Kratom, sometimes spelled ‘kratum,’ is known by botanists as Mytragyna Speciosa and is classified as part of the coffee tree family. Kratom is evergreen and is indigenous to Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea. The earliest recorded use of kratom dates back to the early nineteenth century, when it was chewed for its herbal properties.

What Makes Kratom Special?

Kratom has opioid properties, which means that it can be used for relaxation and stress relief. However, kratom also has stimulant properties because it is rich in energy-boosting alkaloids. This unique combination found within kratom makes it an excellent promoter of internal energy production.

There are three types of kratom, named for the color of the veins on the kratom plant: white kratom, green kratom, and red kratom. Each type of kratom produces different effects: 

White Kratom

White kratom is known for its support of internal energy production. Those who ingest white kratom feel lively and want to socialize and connect with others. In addition, white kratom provides long-lasting energy. 

Red Kratom

Red vein kratom, or Bali kratom, is best for promoting a sense of ease. Those who have ingested red kratom are also known to experience a feeling of mood boost and become talkative.  

Green Kratom

The effects of green kratom are similar to those of red kratom. Green kratom is considered ideal for providing a moderate amount of energy and easing stress.

Kratom vs. Alcohol 

White and red kratom is specifically known to make people feel sociable and relaxed. Alcohol has a similar effect. However, while alcohol can also act as a depressant, kratom tends to create more of a feeling of relaxation. Meanwhile, white kratom, while offering a sense of mood support, also boosts energy. 

Tackling Tiredness

Feeling tired can be highly detrimental to your work and personal life. When you feel low on energy, you have to push through the exhaustion to go on with your day-to-day tasks. If you are feeling tired, there are a few things to keep in mind: 

Taking on Too Much

We live in a fast-paced world where many struggle to find a work-life balance. As we go global, we are forced to be ‘available’ all of the time, which means working outside of traditional working hours and squeezing life and all of its difficulties in between. If you are juggling too much between work, family, and social life, it may be time to prioritize your wellbeing. 

Medical Conditions

Sometimes, feeling tired all of the time has a medical reason. If you feel tired constantly even though you are getting the generally recommended amount of rest, consider discussing your lack of energy with your primary care doctor. Speaking to your doctor about your tiredness is especially important if you have an underlying medical condition. 


Whether taken in the form of coffee, pills, or energy drinks, caffeine has been an extremely popular source of energy for decades, if not centuries. Many people rely on their morning, and sometimes afternoon, and, sometimes, evening, coffee. 

However, coffee has a few potential drawbacks, including that too much caffeine can make you jittery, and an too much can make you ill. Plus, caffeine, like sugar, can cause you to crash. 


Recently, kratom has become popular as an alternative to caffeine. Kratom provides several supportive properties and ingredients including support to internal energy production. 

Using Kratom for Energy, Worth It? 

So, what makes kratom different? Research. Multiple scientific studies show evidence of kratom’s efficacy, and while science isn’t exactly sure how it works, there is evidence that kratom boosts energy. 

Ingesting Kratom

While, in the past, kratom could only be ingested while chewing the leaves of a kratom plant, kratom now comes in a variety of form. This includes kratom capsules and high-quality kratom powder. Capsules can easily be taken with water or other liquid, while you can add powder to your morning drink. 

Before adding kratom to your daily regimen, we recommend that you consult with your primary care doctor. Even products like kratom have the potential to cause side effects and can also interact with your existing medications. In addition, kratom may not be ideal for individuals with certain health conditions. 

Kratom Serving Sizes

Kratom can be taken to give you extra energy throughout the day on tough workdays but can also be taken daily to fight off general fatigue. When using kratom, you should always follow the specific serving size as listed on the label. Remember, not every type of kratom is the same, so if you switch between types of kratom or even companies that source kratom, you should make sure that you follow the correct instructions. 

Finding the Best Kratom

While many companies offer kratom, you want to do your research before you commit. You will want a company that provides kratom that is ethically sourced. For instance, PurKratom sources its kratom from Indonesia in accordance with traditional farming techniques. You also want to work with a company that pays attention to safety testing. 

If you are looking for a bit of extra energy, kratom is definitely worth exploring. 


  • Kratom is a great energy source and, by many, can be used as an alternative to caffeine.
  • There are several types of kratom: red, green, and white.
  • White kratom is known to provide a lasting boost of energy throughout the day, while green kratom and red kratom are great for easing stress and promoting wellness. 
  • Kratom should be taken under the guidance of a health professional.

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